Eclipse Computing announced the addition of a new feature “Royalty Expense Deduction” to our core product. With the addition of this new feature, users can record deductible and non-deductible expenses and apply them to their respective royalty contract agreement.
When users enable the “Expense Deduction” for a specific royalty contract, they will have options to define different parameters using the “Royalty Deductible Expense Setup” window. The Expense deduction setup has two main options, Deduction Type, and Cap Setup. Users will have options to select deduction types, such as “None”, “Fixed Amount” or “% of Sales”.
For Deduction Types, Fixed Amounts and Percentage of Sales, users can define “Caps” to roll-over the balance to the next period. Users can also further define Caps based on the distribution channels.
For more information, visit or contact [email protected] or +1 (201) 746-6255 Ext. 201.